Fire (Starting element)
Air (Starting element)
Water (Starting element)
Earth (Starting element)
Steam (Water + Air)
Dust (Earth + Air)
Energy (Fire + Air)
Alcohol (Fire + Water)
Lava (Fire + Earth)
Swamp (Water + Earth)
Life (Swamp + Energy)
Bacteria (Life + Swamp)
Worm (Bacteria + Swamp)
Sulphur (Bacteria + Swamp)
Weeds (Water + Life)
Moss (Weeds + Swamp)
Fern (Moss + Swamp)
Grass (Moss + Earth)
Reed (Grass + Swamp)
Vodka (Alcohol + Water)
Beetle (Worm + Earth)
Snake (Worm + Swamp)
Butterfly (Worm + Air)
Ash (Dust + Fire)
Ghost (Life + Ash)
Stone (Lava + Water)
Metal (Fire + Stone)
Sand (Water + Stone)
Seeds (Life + Sand)
Tree (Seeds + Earth)
Coal (Fire + Tree)
Oil (Coal + Water)
Plankton (Bacteria + Water)
Shell (Plankton + Stone)
Limestone (Shell + Stone)
Clay (Swamp + Sand)
Boiler (Steam + Metal)
Glass (Fire + Sand)
Scorpion (Beetle + Sand)
Steam Engine (Boiler + Coal)
Bricks (Fire + Clay)
Treant (Life + Tree)
Egg (Life + Stone)
Dinosaur (Egg + Earth)
Lizard (Egg + Swamp)
Bird (Egg + Air)
Phoenix (Fire + Bird)
Electricity (Metal + Energy)
Storm (Energy + Air)
Thunder Bird (Storm + Bird)
Fish (Snake + Water)
Beast (Lizard + Earth)
Human (Beast + Life)
Wizard (Human + Energy)
Demigod (Wizard + Energy)
Corpse (Human + Fire)
Zombie (Corpse + Life)
Ghoul (Zombie + Corpse)
Alcoholic (Human + Vodka)
Tools (Human + Metal)
Weapon (Tools + Metal)
Hunter (Human + Weapon)
Warrior (Hunter + Weapon)
Domestic Animal (Human + Beast)
Wool (Human + Domestic Animal)
Meat (Human + Domestic Animal)
Milk (Human + Domestic Animal)
Sex (Human + Human)
Blood (Dinosaur + Warrior)
Vampire (Blood + Human)
Werewolf (Vampire + Beast)
Whale (Beast + Water)
Dolphin (Beast + Fish)
Poison (Tools + Scorpion)
Poisoned Weapon (Poison + Weapon)
Assasin (Poisoned Weapon + Human)
Dragon (Dinosaur + Fire)
Hero (Warrior + Dragon)
Fabric (Tools + Wool)
Clothes (Human + Fabric)
Wood (Tools + Tree)
Boat (Wood + Water)
Ship (Boat + Wood)
Steamship (Ship + Steam Engine)
Frigate (Ship + Fabric)
Wheel (Tools + Wood)
Cart (Wood + Wheel)
Locomotive (Cart + Steam Engine)
Car (Cart + Oil)
Airplane (Car + Air)
Field (Tools + Earth)
Wheat (Seeds + Field)
Beer (Wheat + Alcohol)
Flour (Wheat + Stone)
Dough (Flour + Water)
Bread (Dough + Fire)
Tobacco (Grass + Fire)
Paper (Reed + Tools)
Cigarette (Paper + Tobacco)
Fertilizer (Grass + Domestic Animal)
Saltpetre (Fertilizer + Limestone)
Gunpowder (Saltpetre + Sulphur)
Firearm (Gunpowder + Weapon)
Chariot (Beast + Cart)
Feather (Bird + Hunter)
Book (Feather + Paper)
Mushroom (Weed + Earth)
Golem (Life + Clay)
Turtle (Egg + Sand)
Ceramics (Human + Clay)
Hut (Human + Stone)
Cement (Limestone + Clay)
Concrete (Cement + Water)
House (Bricks + Concrete)
Skyscraper (House + Glass)
If this guide is incomplete, please leave a comment saying what was not included. I will add it in ASAP. Thanks.
If you see that somebody else has already given feedback about the same thing, don't comment. I understand that you would like to comment, but to avoid spamming, please don't comment. I understand that you are doing it for the people reading this, and I commend you for it.
If this guide has helped you out, you're welcome.